An Act enabling cities and towns to stabilize rents and protect tenantsS.1447 (Sen. Jehlen & Sen. Gomez) / H.2328 (Rep. Dave Rogers & Rep. Montaño)
This bill would repeal the ban on rent control and enable municipalities to enact local rent control ordinances to stabilize housing costs and prevent no-cause evictions. Fact sheetAdditional rent control info
An Act establishing a Massachusetts foreclosure prevention programS.765 (Sen. Gomez) / H.1090 (Rep. Barber)
This bill would establish a statewide Foreclosure Prevention Program to require servicers to participate in pre-foreclosure mediation with homeowners to explore alternatives to foreclosures.
Additional legislation we support
An Act to guarantee a tenant's first right of refusal (TOPA)
S.998 (Sen. Jehlen) / H.1544 (Rep. Livingstone & Rep. Consalvo)
An Act granting a local option for a real estate transfer fee to fund affordable housing
S.1937 (Sen. Comerford) / H.3056 (Rep. Connolly & Rep. Gentile)
Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts
S.968 (Sen. DiDomenico) / H.1952 (Rep. Dave Rogers and Rep. Day)
An Act to regulate junk fees in rental housing
S.984 (Sen. Eldridge) / H.1553 (Rep. Montaño & Rep. Sangiolo)
An Act relative to creating a permanent affordability homeownership program
S.1010 (Sen. Miranda) / H.1576 (Rep. Worrell)
An Act relative to summary process
S.1184 (Sen. Miranda) / H.1895 (Rep. Montaño)
An Act improving emergency housing assistance for children and families experiencing homelessness
S.136 (Sen. Gomez) / H.216 (Rep. Decker)
An Act providing upstream homelessness prevention assistance to families, youth, and adults
S.961 (Sen. Crighton) / H.1488 (Rep. Decker)
An Act promoting housing stability for families by strengthening the HomeBASE program
S.1011 (Sen. Miranda) / H.1469 (Rep. Barber)