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Organizations: endorse our top policy priorities
Endorse rent control
Endorse foreclosure prevention
Learn more on our policy page.
Skyrocketing rents are displacing tenants, destabilizing communities, and destroying historic neighborhoods across our state. Rent control is a critical tool to prevent displacement and win housing justice, and it's past time cities and towns regain the right to use it. Learn more about the issue and take action now!
HFA Mass priorities in the State Legislature for the current session – Rent control, foreclosure prevention, and more!
Did you receive an eviction notice or a summons to court? Have you been threatened with eviction or foreclosure? Are you behind on rent or mortgage and worried? Don't panic or leave. You have rights, and help is available. Click here for details on where to get help.
¿Recibió una notificación de desalojo o una citación judicial? ¿Ha sido amenazado con desalojo o ejecución hipotecaria? ¿Está atrasado con la renta o la hipoteca y está preocupado? No entre en pánico ni se vaya. Tiene derechos y hay ayuda disponible. Haz clic aquí para obtener detalles sobre dónde obtener ayuda en su area.