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We demand that Governor Baker pledge to support and sign the Housing Stability Act...
In this pandemic more than ever, the human right to safe, affordable, stable, and dignified housing is connected to health, education, childcare, worker rights, civil rights, racial justice, civic engagement, environmental justice.
The Housing Stability Act is the only proposal that will prevent mass evictions and foreclosures by protecting renters, helping homeowners, and stabilizing small-scale landlords.
Join together with housing justice organizations, educators, community groups, organized labor, faith communities, environmental justice activists, and allies from every sector to win housing stability as a basic building block for social and economic justice and an equitable recovery.
Please wear a mask/face covering AND maintain a distance of at last 6 feet from anyone who is not a member of your household.
If you don't see it above, use this direct link to the signup form.
¿Va a marchar? Reúnase en Red Rock Park, Lynn, MA a las 5:00 pm.
Únase a la marcha si es posible. Si no puede marchar, únase a la caravana de automóviles. Reúnase en el parqueo de North Shore Community College a las 5:00 pm.